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Product Update: 2024 Version 2

Your March product update is here

Updated over a year ago

We are building steam and bringing you a bunch of platform changes that many users have been asking from us for a while.

Say hello to Rocks

Many of you will be familiar with Rocks, which is featured in a very popular strategic framework toolkit (IYKYK) catering to business owners and entrepreneurs.

Rocks are defined as:

"A Rock is one of the three to seven most important things you must get done in the next 90 days."

In the objective builder, you will now see Rocks added as an objective type. This will be useful to those already using the framework and simplify the transition from your current strategy platform/process into your plan in Empiraa

Old objective builder options

New objective builder options

Also, notice👆we have changed the Type wording to Measurement to align better with the function of these buttons and the type of data we want to capture.

Say goodbye to Goal Type

When building out your plan in the Empiraa Strategy Designer, the first selection when creating your Organizational Goals is to choose from a pre-populated list of goal types.

This goal type then shows up in your myHub and myPlan above the name you have given that goal. See below the bolded Sales.

We have listened to your feedback and removed this as a required field when creating your goals, to allow for full flexibility. This means you can build a strategy that's right for you and your business and can fit within the terminology and structure that you're familiar with.

Keep your eyes peeled again as we get ready to announce more exciting updates! 🤩

🔔 If you would like to see some features added that we have not yet mentioned above. You can log a request.

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