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Product Update: 2024 Version 6

All the latest updates to Empiraa during July + August 2024

Updated over 7 months ago

July and August has had some exciting new additions to the Empiraa platform, so let's get into it.

Objective Manager changes

Edit directly

We have streamlined simple editing so that now you can edit:

  • Starting and finishing values for parent and child objectives/actions

  • Descriptions

  • Assigned person

You can only choose to assign a person in the team that is allocated to the parent objective. In the example above that is the operations team. If you want to assign to a new team you need to go into the cog next to the top objective and go into the proper editor to do that there.

This simple editor is to enable fast and small changes to your objectives as time goes on or as you are building your objectives. Major changes can still be done by clicking the cog and going into 'Edit Objective'.

New objective designer layout

The new layout means it's easier to see how the starting and finishing values are affecting allocation and the roll-up of aligned objectives.

Explaining allocation

ICYMI the allocated field is the sum of your aligned objectives and must equal the difference of your topline objective.

If you get a red alert next to your allocation (as shown above), you will not be able to save that objective until you have allocated that difference among your aligned objectives.


In this example, our target/difference of our topline objective is 100. We have 4 aligned objectives that we can break that 100 among our aligned objectives. We have decided to equally break up that 100 into the 4 objectives making their difference 25 each.

There is no error so now we can save.

Clone objectives and build faster

You can now clone objectives from directly on the myHub page and build your plan faster than ever!

This allows you to replicate successful strategies with a single click.

All you need to do is click the cog beside your chosen objective, aligned objective or action and click "clone objective". Then the easiest way to edit from there is click "Objective Manager" and edit directly from the objective manager as we showed above. Alternatively, you can click into the clone and edit fully to access all the features that you may want to change.

New objective modal

When in myHub and clicking on an objective, we have a new popup modal screen that shows you the objective details and chat function, overlaid on myHub. This makes it easier to go in and out of objectives and view what you need.

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