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How to connect Slack to Empiraa

Integrate your Empiraa success to notify your team in Slack

Updated over a year ago

In this guide, we will focus on how you can connect your Empiraa activity to a Slack channel so you can automatically share information with the team on how everyone is tracking.

You will need Slack, Zapier and Empiraa accounts for this integration.

You need the following invite only link to access the beta version of Empiraa within Zapier. Follow the link to get started.

Step 1

The trigger will be Empiraa with the event as notification for users.

Step 2

Add your Empiraa account.

Step 3

Insert the user ID.

Step 4

Continue with the selected records.

Step 5

The next step is to add Slack as the action app. The event will be send a channel message.

Step 6

Link your Slack account.

Step 7

Select the channel you want the notification to go to. Then insert the message text you want to send.

Step 8

Name the bot that will be posting on your behalf. You can also put a link to the botโ€™s icon in Slack.

Step 9

Continue and test the action. Zapier will tell you whether the message went out successfully.

Step 10

Publish your zap and automatically keep the team engaged with people's progress!

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