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Product Update: 2024 Version 4

More updates for you this month

Updated over 10 months ago

Introducing Starting Number

We have been building some more detail and features around your objective data.

Alongside your target (finishing value) for your objective we have added starting value. If you already have objectives built within your Empiraa plan, the default starting number will be put as 0.

How does starting value affect the calculation?

Let's give you an example.

We are going to create a new objective where we want to reach 10,000 social media followers by the end of the year. We are currently sitting on 5,000.

5,000 will be your starting value and 10,000 will be your finishing value.

Once we go to the objective manager to publish we can see our starting value, finishing value and the difference we need to achieve. In this case the difference is 5,000.

You will be measured on your progress towards that 5,000 difference and your myhub will reflect how close you are to getting to that 10,000 goal.

In the image above we have achieved another 1000 followers above our 5,000 baseline so that means our current followers total 6000.

Skills change to performance

Skills was an underused measurement type in our objective builder so we have changed it to performance. This is a great measurement type for people wanting to set performance goals for mid-year check-ins etc.

Click into your objectives from myPlan

Your myPlan has now been made more functional. Executives can click into individual objectives and jump right into the Objective Details page.

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