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Learn about the myPlan Page

Updated over a year ago

Note from the editor: there have been terminology changes since this guide was made. Organisation Page is now referred to as myPlan and Pillars are now Goals.

The Organization page is a snapshot of what your business values most and how it's getting to that vision.

It is accessible by everyone in your plan and can also be exported to share with external stakeholders or board members. It gives a topline overview of you pillars and their contributing objectives and how you are currently tracking towards them.

Vision Statement

See your vision statement live within the organization page to keep your North Star top of mind for everyone in your business.

Core Values

What values matter to your business most? Your 4-8 core values are always visible to your staff so they can conduct themselves at work with the values in mind.

Pillars and Objectives

See your topline company pillars and the objectives working towards them in one dashboard view. One look at this page and everyone can see how you are tracking towards your goals and the areas in need of more focus and resources.

This is a powerful tool to engage your whole team around the direction you want to move as a business so they can see exactly how their work contributes and matters. Create a greater sense of WHY with this powerful feature.

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