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Product Update: 2024 Version 7

A look inside the new reporting and analytics

Updated over 2 months ago

Reporting is here!

The new myReports is here giving you complete visibility across your business strategy from a user, team and organization perspective.

Every person in your plan can see their own personal analytics. Admins get full access to all users, teams and the organization data too.

πŸ’‘ Empiraa Tip: We recommend managers look at these reports monthly to get an overview of how your teams are performing. This means you can mitigate any risks before they turn critical and keep your people fully engaged.

The Modules Explained

Objective Status

The objective status module gives you a breakdown of your objectives from a user, team and org view. It gives you a snapshot of how your objective status is weighted and compares that progress to the previous period.

In the example below the on track objectives are up by 67.32% compared to the previous month which is really good progress.

Average Objective Progress

Average objective progress adds up the total progress of all your active objectives and divides them by the number of objectives you have to get an average percentage.

The average objective length shows how long you are being given to complete most objectives. For some people that might be a year, for others it might be 8 weeks. This depends on your organization and how minutely you manage your plan.

Current Progress Breakdown

The current progress breakdown is a powerful graph that visuals the weighing of on track, at risk and off track objectives. The bar on the right is the current period you have selected in the calendar and the left is the previous periods. This shows how your progress is trending visually, and gives good insight into what category of objectives need your focus.

Top Priority Objectives

Top priority objectives will show the three objectives that are due soonest. If there is more than three that are due at the same time their will be weighed against the impact and the most high impact objectives will show. This means you can turn your attention to the most time critical tasks.

Recently Completed Objectives

Pretty self-explanatory but these are the ones that have been completed most recently.

Note: These objectives have been marked complete but won't necessarily always be at 100%. That's because sometimes you just don't hit your objectives - and that's completely fine! We have a function in the platform that marks objectives automatically complete after three months have lapsed since the due date.

If you see objectives here that you are still working on you can go back into myHub, filter by completed and adjust the objective details and date to keep this active.


This module shows how many days you have logged in over the period. This is a great module to view your teams and organization against because you can see the people who are contributing to growth and those who are disengaged.

Top Performers

Celebrate the people in your teams doing great stuff! This module is calculated with a detailed formula that weighs up peoples progress, the number of objectives assigned to them, the impact of their objectives and how much time is left until they are due.

All Active Objectives

This is a list of all the objectives relevant to your view (user, team, org). See in one simple table exactly what objectives you have active and their progress.

The red due date objectives show ones that are past their due date but not yet marked complete. We will mark an objective complete automatically after three months after the due date regardless of the progress percentage.

Team Member Performance

Compare your people's progress against one another and see who needs assistance. Say goodbye to people touting false productivity and get complete clarity of the playing field.

Organization Goals

Complete your organization report by seeing exactly how you are progressing against your organization goals.

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